With our help, Björn switched to a power meter from ROTOR and set about an outdoor performance diagnosis on Timo's reference track with coach Timo Bracht. Now there is incorruptible data and training and competition planning takes on a new quality...
Practice Report CW22
14:58h Bike
06:06h Running
03:20h Swimming
1h Strength-Athletics-Stretching
It is entering the hot phase. One last time the number of hours was increased and I also treated myself to something. Through ACS-Vertrieb GmbH, sister company of Squeezy and exclusive distributor of ROTOR components in Germany and Austria, I was offered a ROTOR crank with a power meter measuring on both sides (Rotor 2Inpower Road) at a preferential price. That's when I struck, and I had been toying with the idea of buying a power meter for a long time.
Timo then suggested that I do an FTP test with the power meter. Of course, the goal was to see what I was capable of in order to suggest the right pacing for Roth. However, the FTP test did not take place on the roller and under laboratory conditions, but outdoors under real conditions on the track where Timo Bracht also did his tests in the preparations. This is the Diedesheim-Eberbach segment, a 21.4km long and almost flat section on the B37 along the Neckar. Of course, this has the advantage that Timo not only sees the pure watt values, but also has a feeling for the aerodynamics based on his data collection.
The meeting point was 8 o'clock in the morning on Corpus Christi together with Julian Beuchert in Mosbach. We were then supposed to roll in easily for 30 minutes and then drive the route according to the motto 'everything that goes'. Timo was waiting for us at the end of the route in Eberbach with the car and accompanied us on the last kilometers to take a look at the seating position and take pictures and videos. After the test, I rode the same distance behind Julian at a distance of 12m to get a feeling for the distance regulation. Finally, we went up a climb again together with Julian and back to Mosbach to the starting point. This is how the following data came together:
Data collected
Distance 111.3km
Time: 03:08:41
Ø Heart rate 130BPM
Power 209/249NP
FTP Interval
Distance 21.42km
Time: 00:27:48
Ø Heart rate 161BPM
Ø Power 335W
Based on this data, Timo suggests the following for different routes:
260Watt Middle Distance
230Watt Long Distance
312Watt Short Throw
I will do the Olympic distance in Heilbronn 2 weeks before Roth and then orient myself to the values. For the remaining 4 weeks I will coordinate my plan with Timo again in order to hopefully be at the start with the BEST VERSION in Roth on July 1st.
See you next week and greetings