The truth about muscle and stomach problems in training and competition. The total guide from the inventor of the energy gel (video).


00.00 - 00:59 Introduction
01:00 - 01:57 About the person
01:58 - 02:42 There is no need to make a science out of it
02:43 - 03:24 The 7 food components
03:28 – 04:12 Produkte das alltäglichen Verzehrs <-> Nahrungsergänzungsmittel
04:13 - 04:39 The main sources of energy
04:40 - 05:24 The glycogen store
05:25 - 07:00 The fat burning
07:01 - 09.20 Minerals / Vitamins
09:21 - 10:35 Subdivision into before / during and after sports.
10:36 - 19:08 During training / competition
19:09 - 21:01 After sports - the open window effect
21:02 - 31:49 Diet and sport
31:50 - 32:04 Credits