Developed for active athletes in training.

No power deficit thanks to ingenious recipe.

Targeted, controllable weight reduction without counting calories.

Squeezy Athletic - Vanilla


SQUEEZY ATHLETIC is not a simple blended product. It is based on a complex, patented and double fermentation process of whole grain wheat. The production time is over 5 weeks!

Due to the double fermentation process, the nutrients contained are virtually already broken down and therefore highly bioavailable. This guarantees a very good cell supply.

If you want to find out more about the benefits of fermented foods, you will find well-prepared information on the following page: 

More about fermentation


Compared to typical protein shakes and formula diets, SQUEEZY ATHLETIC tastes more like a creamy porridge due to the fermentose* (2-fermented wholemeal wheat).

SQUEEZY AHTLETIC enthält wertvolle Eiweiße, Energieliefernde Kohlenhydrate und Ballaststoffe mit einem sehr niedrigen Glykämischen Index von < 20. Es sind zudem alle wichtigen Vitamine und Mineralien enthalten.

If you want to find out more about the glycemic index, you will find well-prepared information on the following page:

Information on the glycemic index

The new, resealable freshness bag guarantees optimum shelf life and, like the carton, is recyclable.




  • With high-quality proteins, valuable carbohydrates and fiber.
  • Sehr niedriger Glykämischer Index (<20).
  • Contains all important vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • Excellent for mixing with quark, yogurt, milk or water and flavorings.
  • Available in vanilla, chocolate and banana flavors.
Lose weight effectively - here's how ...

The so-called zero diet is certainly the worst solution for athletes. This is because the body very quickly draws on its own muscle mass for energy. This not only reduces performance, but also the basal metabolic rate. If you then return to your normal eating habits, the reduced basal metabolic rate converts excess carbohydrates into body fat.

The well-known "yo-yo effect" occurs and once this has happened, all efforts and successes are history again in a very short time.

To lose weight effectively, a low-sugar diet is ideal. This is because a diet high in simple sugars causes blood sugar levels to rise and more insulin is released than is actually needed.

Insulin is a hormone and acts as a cell opener. This hormone ensures that glycogen is channelled into the cells. Not only into the muscle cell for energy production, but also into the fat cell for storing fat and glucose. This process must be thought of as a kind of one-way street. Insulin keeps the entrance door invitingly open for the fat build-up. However, the exits are closed for this time and the insulin thus often inhibits fat burning for up to 4 hours.
This is where the Squeezy Athletic concept comes into play
Mit einem sehr niedrigen glykämischen Index < 20 ist dieses Produkt einzigartig. Der Glykämische Index gibt den Anstieg des Blutzuckerspiegels an. Durch einen doppelten Fermentierungsprozess wird natürlichem Weizenvollkorn die Stärke entzogen.  Vor dem zweiten Fermentierungsprozess werden zudem hochwertige Proteine hinzugegeben. Durch die Fermentierung werden die enthaltenen Nährstoffe bereits aufgeschlüsselt und damit die Bioverfügbarkeit maßgeblich erhöht.
The properties and benefits of fermentose at a glance

Der extrem geringe glykämische Index von <20 (Lastwert 3) ist Ergebnis des patentierten Herstellungs-Verfahrens, in dem nahezu vollständig die Stärke des Vollkornweizens abgebaut wird. Der entstandene Wirkstoff ist Fermentose.

Fermentoseenables low insulin levels and unhindered fat burning.

The complex production process produces high-quality macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, essential fatty acids and specific dietary fibres. Vitamins, minerals and trace elements are also added.

The result is the avoidance of the yo-yo effect and the protection of muscle mass during weight loss.

Squeezy Athletic provides the body with everything it needs, even during training. The energy supply is ensured and yet the athlete achieves a negative energy balance.

Fat burning can thus develop its full potential, the athlete loses weight - it can be that simple.

Squeezy Athletic is particularly easy to use. The product can be mixed and consumed as it is with cold water, milk, yoghurt/quark - or with fruit and flavorings, for example. The method of application determines the success.

Each user has it in his own hands to achieve his goal with more or less and the type of use.