Protein or amino acids?


Admittedly, the topic of protein and amino acids is a little dry and sounds complicated to some people. First of all, it is important to know that proteins consist of chains of amino acids.

Proteins are primarily used as a building material for muscles, bones or tendons, for example, when the energy supply is secure. One kilogram of muscle consists of around 20 % protein, 70 % water and 10 % fat. Enzymes, just like many hormones, also consist largely of protein. Of particular interest to endurance athletes are the antibodies that are important for immune defense, which also consist of proteins. If the energy supply is insufficient during long or intensive exercise, antibodies are partly used for energy metabolism. This leads to an impaired immune defense and thus to an increased susceptibility to infection (open window effect).

It is therefore easy to see how important proteins are for the body, especially during prolonged and demanding exertion, as occurs during training and competition.

Amino acids

Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids. All amino acids have an identical basic structure, consisting of an amino and an acid residue - hence the name.

However, amino acids differ in their remaining molecular part, which is structured differently depending on the amino acid. Known here, for example, are the branched chain amino acids (BCAA), whose remaining molecular part is branched (L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine) and which are preferentially absorbed by the muscles.

For human nutrition, it is important to know that only about half of the approximately 20 proteinogenic amino acids can be produced by the body itself. The other amino acids must be supplied to the body with food. They are therefore also referred to as essential amino acids.

These essential amino acids include: Histidine*

  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

*Histidine is essential for the infant, but not for adults later.

So how does this help us as athletes and how much protein should we consume and at what levels of exertion?

Determine the individual protein requirement

The need for protein depends on the type of sport and the load:

Load Quantity
With casual endurance training and a normal diet 0.8 - 1.0 grams per kilogram of body weight per day
For moderate intensity training 1.0 - 1.5 grams per kilogram body weight u. day
For high intensity training 1.5 - 1.7 grams per kilogram body weight u. Day

The increased protein requirement is primarily a consequence of regenerative processes, e.g. the repair of muscles, ligaments and tendons.

In order to cover the widest possible spectrum of the amino acids contained in protein, it is advisable to use a variety of protein sources when consuming protein.

Important note: A long-term intake of more than 2g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day puts a great strain on our excretory organs, especially the kidneys!

How do I cover my protein requirements as an athlete?

From our point of view there is a quite simple solution to ensure an optimal supply for us athletes.

On the one hand, a natural, varied basic diet with as little denatured food as possible (so often swing the wooden spoon) and for times of high stress, whether in training or during the competition phase, the additional supply of essential amino acids.

Unlike protein, these do not have to be metabolized at great expense and therefore enter the bloodstream much faster. In addition, even very small amounts are sufficient. Several studies with athletes have shown that just 5g of essential amino acids cover the daily requirement.

In our opinion, the research work of Dr. Luca-Moretti, who researched and patented an optimal composition of the various amino acids with the MAP (Master Amino Acid Pattern), plays an outstanding role here. After the patent expired a few years ago, there are now numerous cheaper products available that are based on this work and also provide vegetarians and vegans with an optimal and simple supply.

With our Squeezy 100% Pure Amino we also offer a simple and efficient form of substitution of all 8 essential amino acids. A little tip at this point: almost all athletes who have implemented the following recommendation repeatedly report that they could clearly feel the effect at the end of the workout.

-> In the evening, before going to bed, take 5 tablets with a glass of water. In the morning, about 1 to 1/2 hours before the competition or hard training session, repeat the same again and then after the competition or hard training session, listen to your own body, especially your limbs.

More information can be found here:

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