Get rid of the winter fat! Since losing weight requires a negative energy balance, the following thought is obvious: energy consumption is high at training camps, so I can lose weight very well there. However, many athletes are usually irritated when they come back from training camp to find that their weight has increased.
It is important to know that the following factors can influence weight during a training camp:
- Fat loss through high training volumes reduces weight.
- An increase in blood volume can increase weight. This effect is all the greater the less trained the athlete goes to training camp and can amount to up to 500 grams.
- Muscle mass gain through high training volumes increases weight by up to approx. 1 kg.
- The storage of glycogen (storage form of carbohydrates) and the associated storage of water in the muscles due to the reduced or lack of training on the return day increases the weight. This factor alone can account for 1-2 kg!
If you really want a reliable statement, then the body fat percentage before and after the training camp should be specifically compared, e.g. with a BIA measurement.
Forced weight loss in the training camp through a deliberately sparing diet also harbors dangers.
Due to the very high energy requirement, a small energy deficit is difficult to control. However, the energy deficit must only be small, because if it is too large, there is a risk of hypoglycaemia (hunger pangs) during training itself, which would destroy an entire training day and thus also weaken the effect of the periodization of the training camp.
Furthermore, the susceptibility to infections and the risk of overtraining increase over the course of the entire training camp. These risks also exist with a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet, as this type of diet significantly delays the replenishment of carbohydrate stores. In addition, the increased quantities put an immense strain on the stomach and digestion.
Conclusion: It is certainly possible to reduce the body fat percentage, but this should be done carefully. The most sensible form of nutrition in training camps due to the high energy requirement consists of low-fat, carbohydrate-rich food.
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