Energy Gel Sachets - Recyclable

Does a gel sachet belong in the recycling garbage can? The answer seems easy: Yes, of course. But that's not true. Because all gel sachets known to us are made of composite materials and are therefore not recyclable!

So they don't belong in the yellow garbage can, but in the residual waste. We thought to ourselves that this couldn't be the case and as long as we were still offering sachets, they should also be recyclable. The idea turned into an unexpectedly long research, development and test series with a few setbacks until we finally had the solution in our hands.

Squeezy's new Energy Gel and Liquid Energy Sachets now consist of a sealed monofilm that can be safely disposed of in the yellow garbage can.

However, if you would like to try an even more environmentally friendly and cheaper solution, we recommend our new refillers for Energy Gel and Liquid Energy with a capacity of 500 ml (gel) and 1000 ml (liquid). Plus the endlessly reusable Softflask with two different valves.